The summer is nearly over and although it is a season I typically enjoy, this year, I am longing for the routine that back to school brings, especially for our daughter that has autism. Our summer has been a noisy one. Yes, we have had friends over, played in the pool, gone on little vacations, and enjoyed this beautiful weather. We have also survived on very little sleep and noise cancelling headphones have been a staple in our beach bag. You see, this summer has been filled with not just noise from fun and friends, but from blood curdling screaming.

There have been days where the screaming lasts all day and goes into the night. Other days, we think it may have stopped, make plans, only to be visited by that all too familiar sound again. To say we are exhausted is an understatement. Summer is not always the most joyous time for our family. As parents of kids with autism know, the summer can be tricky. Routines often go out the window and are replaced with spontaneous plans, late nights, and extra sugar. That often means though that we can be faced with children that are less than impressed with these changes and trust me, they let us know.
If you are anything like me, your summer starts with grand plans and vacations booked. But as we wrap up week 6 of summer, all I am dreaming about is the sound of the bell on the first day of class. A quiet drive to the office, sipping a coffee, knowing I have 6 hours of uninterrupted time to myself.
I wish this post was about all the great tips and tricks I can share with you on how your summer's can be exciting and your family can thrive like mine. But, honestly, I just needed to get this out. I know there have to be other families with children with autism out there struggling right now, and I want you to know, I see you. I see how hard you are working. I see how challenging this is. If nothing else, you are not alone. We each do what we need to get by. My husband and I take shifts, tapping out when we need a break. I stress eat into the late evening. We are coping. It may not be ideal, but I know at this stage in the game, that this won't last forever.